
HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) Programme

  • HAF Explained

    The Holiday Active Food Programme (HAF) is a programme of activities for children and young people from Reception to Year 11, during the school holidays (Winter, Easter, and Summer), funded by the Department of Education. The funding is available for children who receive benefit related Free School Meals (FSM); for example, parents can be on universal credit. Universal FSM are not the same thine, so if you are on benefits, please let your school know.

    Other children who may be eligible to attend Camps:

    • Being assessed as being in need, at risk or vulnerable

    • Children living in areas of high deprivation or from low-income households

    • Looked-after children or previously looked after children

    • Children with an EHCP

    • Children with low attendance rates or who are at risk of exclusion

    • Children struggling with transition between different phases of school

    • Young carers

    • Migrant refugee and asylum seekers

    Since 2018, the holiday activities and food programme has provided support to children in receipt of free school meals or those that fall into the above categories during holiday periods.

    Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. For some children this can lead to a holiday experience gap, with children from low-income households being:

    • less likely to access organised out-of-school activities

    • more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health

    • more likely to experience social isolation

    Most children will receive a minimum of 4-hours funding per day for a certain number of days set by the local authority.

    Most schools will give out vouchers which the parent will then enter during the booking process.

    Get With the Kids Vibe, are already approved suppliers for the:

    • London Boroughs of Enfield

    • London Borough of Haringey

    • Essex County Council

    • Hertfordshire County Council.

    Enfield Council Haringey Council Essex Activate Hertfordshire

    Winter Camp booking information

    HAF bookings for Enfield can only be made via the Holiday Activities Portal. Please refer to the letter provided by your child’s school for the ‘Voucher Code’ and booking instructions.

    HAF bookings for Essex ActivAte can only be made via the Holiday Activities Portal. Please refer to the letter provided by your child’s school for the ‘Voucher Code’ and booking instructions.

    HAPpy HAF bookings for Hertforshire can only be made via the Playwaze Portal. Please refer to the letter provided by your child’s school for the ‘Voucher Code’ and booking instructions.

    How do families access HAPpy Camps?

    • Eligible families will receive a unique booking code from their child's school along with instructions how to book.

    • Up until schools break for holidays, enquiries should go through schools, during the holiday HSP can help.

    • Where there is a need, other children and young people can be referred by a professional worker or agency supporting the child/ their family.

    • Referrals must be sent in writing via inbox

    • SEND referrals must also be made in writing via inbox and evidence of a EHCP or professional referral must be forwarded


    • A child can attend any number of days across the delivery period but only one camp per day.